Medicare Matters – Annual Disenrollment Period (ADP)

You have two basic choices in Medicare to take care of your hospitalization, doctor visits and laboratory tests – Medicare Advantage (also called Medicare Part C) and original Medicare (comprised of Medicare Parts A and B). Original Medicare is often coupled with a Medicare supplement plans A through N. The majority of Medicare Advantage plans […]

Medicare Matters – 2017 Part B Premiums

The C.O.L.A. (Cost of Living Adjustment) was announced by the Social Security Administration. It will be .3% for 2017. That’s pretty small and not much better than 0% which was the C.O.L.A. for 2016. To put this in perspective, if a retiree were receiving $1000 per month in Social Security benefits, a 0.3 % increase […]

Medicare Matters – Annual Open Enrollment Officially Starts

The 2016 Medicare Open Enrollment started October 15th and continues till December 7th. During this time Medicare eligible people are able to enroll in, or change their current Medicare Advantage (MAPD) HMO/PPO, or stand-alone Part D/drug plan. Remember, if your current plan or employer/ retiree coverage is renewing in 2017 and you are satisfied with […]

On A Personal Note – Sacramento, Cincinnati and Cake Wars!

July seemed to be a quiet month. Everyone’s on vacation. However, there were a couple of special things that went on with our family in July and August. As you know, my daughter’s Cupcake Business, Hapa Cupcakes has been growing over the past 3 years. There was something special I was not supposed to tell […]

Medicare Mistakes…Part 3

In the April and June I wrote about four Medicare mistakes to avoid. Here are mistakes 5 and 6 that can trip you up. #5 Misunderstanding Enrollment Periods: You may have read about ‘Open Enrollment’ and gotten the idea that this is the only time you can sign up for Medicare. Not True! In Medicare, […]

On A Personal Note – New Puppy and a Cake!

This past month my daughter has added a new member to the family. This one is BIG, I mean really big…such as in Massive. Yes, my daughter, Hanayo, adopted a Bullmastiff puppy. His name is Bulloney. My first response was… “Really? That dog will be huge! How big does it get?” My second question was… […]

Medicare Maze…Part 1

When you think about retiring, where will you get health insurance? “Simple,” you might reply, “I’ll go on Medicare.” Well, welcome to an intricate decision, especially if you (or your spouse) keep working past the usual retirement age. Medicare is for people 65 and up and comes in 4 parts. Part A, covers you if […]

On A Personal Note – Best Friends Forever!

As you may remember, last month I told you about my recent trip to Florida Disney Resorts with my sons, Mohan, Elliott and Joseph. My daughter, Hanayo, had to stay behind to run her Cupcake store but that didn’t stop her from taking off a day for fun with her Best Friends Forever. I always wondered what the abbreviation BFF meant as […]

Medicare Mistakes…Part 2

Back in April, I introduced two Medicare mistakes that you should be sure to avoid. As I explained, there are some pitfalls and traps that can cost plenty. Below are mistakes 3 and 4. 3. Failing to enroll in Part B when you should: Signing up at the time that’s right for you is critical. […]