My Grandma’s Medicare Experience

Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides coverage for people who are 65 years old or older, as well as those with certain disabilities or chronic conditions. While Medicare covers many healthcare costs, there are often gaps in coverage, leaving beneficiaries with out-of-pocket expenses. That’s where Medicare supplement plans, also known as Medigap, […]

The Farmers Market of Medicare

It is a happy Saturday over here as I’ve already had my large mug of coffee. Today, Kaycee and I are planning on going to the Farmers Market that is held at Mariners Church in Irvine every Saturday. Kaycee really loves to walk around to see who has the freshest looking produce for the best […]

How to Choose a Medicare Supplement Plan

The Original Medicare benefits are a great start. They give people tremendous freedom of choice however, there are some major gaps in those benefits. Medicare doesn’t pay for everything. Usually people will add on Supplemental/MediGap plans to help pay for those gaps in Medicare. These Supplement plans are offered by private insurance companies and the […]

The Importance of MediGap/Medicare Supplement Insurance

The other day I had a meeting with a new couple looking to come off their employer insurance and go onto Medicare. Going into the meeting, one of the two had the idea that they will just enroll into Original Medicare which is made up by Part A (Hospital) and Part B (Medical) without adding […]

How to Try Out a Medicare Advantage Plan (Trial Rights)

Here is how you can try out a Medicare Advantage plan using what are called Trial Rights. There are two main trial right that you can use to try out a Medicare Advantage plan and you can still go back and get a Medicare Supplement Plan in the future with no medical underwriting questions. The […]