The Grey Gap Year

When I was about to depart for college, some of my friends went a different route. The “Gap-Year.” At the time, it felt a little self-indulgent to take a whole year to travel and “find myself” before embarking on true adulthood. What I found is that many of my friends found it transformative. Now as […]

Original, Traditional and Straight Medicare. Different Terminology for the Same Thing

Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides coverage to millions of Americans, primarily those who are over 65 years of age or have certain disabilities. One thing that can be confusing for Medicare beneficiaries is the different names used to refer to the program. Specifically, the terms Original Medicare, Traditional Medicare, and Straight […]

How to Choose a Medicare Supplement Company

There are four things that we take into consideration when choosing a Medicare Supplement/Medigap Insurance Company: 1. Price – Each company is free to charge different prices for their plans even though Medicare Supplement plans have standardized coverages. That means a Plan F from ABC Company has the exact same coverages as the Plan F […]

New Medicare Cards 2018 – Coming Soon!

If you haven’t heard already, I wanted to make sure you know that Medicare will be sending out new Medicare Cards automatically starting in April of 2018 and will be sending them through April of 2019. There are tens of millions of people receiving Medicare benefits so be patient if you don’t receive your new […]

Is Kindness and Compassion Too Expensive?

(This article first appeared in the March 2002 issue of California Broker Magazine as an open letter to fellow health insurance professionals.  Reprinted with permission from Dave Leveque.) I am mourning the loss of my mother to pancreatic cancer.  She was diagnosed on October 30, 2001 and died three months later.  You are probably wondering […]